Cycling in the Snow


Not really… But there was snow at the top of King’s Mountain today, deposited during yesterday’s storm. It was about 37° F, or 3° C, at 2000’ elevation. There is even more snow at the higher elevations, but I didn’t get up that high today.

Here’s a picture of my bike frolicking in the snow.


And a picture of Mt. Diablo in the distance across the bay, with its top covered in snow.


Furnace Creek 508


Off to the Furnace Creek 508. Follow us here. We’ll have periodic updates, and GPS updates.

5th Anniversary, August 2010


Tina and I spent a weekend at the Albion River Inn, celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary. It was a few weeks before the actual anniversary date of Sept 18th, which was the only week we could arrange. We renewed our vows and had a tasty anniversary cake. Pictures are here

Devil Mountain Double 2010


The Good—My legs felt pretty good and I finished with practically the same time as I had in 2005, the Quack Cyclists put on another great ride, and the weather was absolutely perfect.

The Bad—Alto the goat was no longer manning Pet the Goat, and a fellow DMD rider collapsed and died while climbing the backside of Mt. Hamilton.

The Ugly—I crashed on Morgan Territory, but was not hurt. I wore some of the course on my jersey while riding the rest of the course.

January 2019

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