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 Normally, Athena hates all of the other cats, but Kim managed to get close to her today, and they enjoyed a couch nap together. | 7/5/09 1:35 PM
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CANON_2009.07.05-0004.jpg - Normally, Athena hates all of the other cats, but Kim managed to get close to her today, and they enjoyed a couch nap together.

Photographer: Michael J. Svihura | Camera: Canon EOS 30D | Date: 7/5/09 1:35 PM | Resolution: 902 x 600 | ISO: 400 | Exp. Mode: Manual control | Exp. Time: 1/60s | Aperture: 5.6 | Focal Length: 50.0mm | Flash: No
Total images: 283 | Last update: 1/21/14 10:19 PM | Help