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Comment: The climbs take their toll on Lisa Hauck of the Palo Alto Bicycle team.
Lyne Bessette * 899 x 600 * (116KB)

Nicole Cooke * 899 x 600 * (171KB)

Lyne Bessette * 899 x 600 * (137KB)

Kristin Armstrong * 899 x 600 * (157KB)

Elisa Gagnon * 899 x 600 * (125KB)

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Lisa Hauck - 899 x 600 - (135KB)
Download file (135KB)
9/12/04 7:31 AM
Chrissy Ruiter * 899 x 600 * (126KB)

April Anderson * 400 x 600 * (89KB)

Stefanie Graeter * 400 x 600 * (80KB)

DNF * 899 x 600 * (191KB)

Brei Gusell * 400 x 600 * (91KB)

SF Grand Prix 2004
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