This is my attempt at web page design. I'm a computer programmer, not a graphic artist.
List of Contents
Photo Galleries
My Mom's Visit to San Francisco
My mom visited me last June. Here are some the photos I took.
Field Trips
Here are some of field trips I've taken with my camera. My constant companion. My
buddy... And you didn't think this was going to get soppy, did you?
My Family
Some of the pictures I took Christmas of 1996, back in Calgary. Snow and cold,
that is...
Ich bien eine Java Programmer. Actually it's only one that I whipped up.
Check out my humble abode. Totally amazing. Two bachelors and it's not a total pigsty.
To tour, just click on an image in the direction you want to go. If an image has a red
line beside, above, or below it, then you can't go in that direction.
The database of all the compact discs in my collection.