

I’ve just finished updating the look of the website. This was a convoluted process, updating the style-sheets and what-not to Movable Type 4.1. Needless to say I won’t drive you away by boring you with the gory details, leaving me, but I think it looks pretty good. I’ve also been working on the Team Super […]


Tina and Mike on the Death Ride

The people that took our pictures on the death ride finally sorted through all the pictures, taking almost a month to do. When I was riding up with Tina on the second climb up Monitor Pass, the photographer took this picture. I like it and it’s one of the few pictures that I have of

Cycling, Log

Cell Phone Post

This is a test post from my cell phone. This is my second attempt because my first post was eaten by azure.



I took this picture of the moon last month with my Canon D-60 DSLR. I was quite surprised at how much detail showed up, especially in the shadowy areas along the terminator. Someday I’ll get a real telescope and take some pictures of other objects in the sky, but for now this will do nicely.



Tina and I went to Kauai for our honeymoon. It was a great honeymoon, of course, and we did some hiking, snorkeling and just plain old hanging out. I’ve posted some pictures here.


Tina and Mike Get Married!

Tina and I got married today, and I posted some pictures. Click here to browse the pictures. It was a great day. We loved the warmth and support from all those who attended, and that made the day extra special.



This is the first log entry for my website. I’m working on getting a weblog running to see if it would be useful to put my African pictures up. Stay tuned.

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