Author name: michaels

The Return of My Website!

After many years of lying dormant, I’ve resurrected this website. This is the 5th version of my site, and the only thing here at the moment are the contents of the previous version, which I imported into WordPress. The main goal of this site at the moment is to start putting more stuff here again, […]


Buy my cat

Tried to sell Jyoti today, but it looks like we wouldn’t get much for him. Figured as much, but it didn’t hurt to try. has valued my cat at £5.67.


Cold Morning, Warm Momma

Missy Momma has a nice warm bed to keep her warm on these cold mornings. She’s quite happy with this arrangement, which is a far cry from her former life spent outside. More pictures of momma, and the other cats, are here.


The 508

The 508 starts tomorrow. I am riding as Northern Shoveler There are updates on the 508 here 508 updates And real-time GPS updates here GPS updates The weather looks decent so it should be a fun ride.


The 508 Roster

Looks like the Furnace Creek 508 Roster is shaping up, and my name appears to be on it. I will do my best to honor the race. Less than 6 months to go… I’m already excited.


Cycling in the Snow

Not really… But there was snow at the top of King’s Mountain today, deposited during yesterday’s storm. It was about 37° F, or 3° C, at 2000’ elevation. There is even more snow at the higher elevations, but I didn’t get up that high today. Here’s a picture of my bike frolicking in the snow.

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