June 2008

Fewer Cans of Jyoti

As you may recall from a previous post, I measured the weight of our cat, Jyoti, and compared it to a can of Indian food, named, appropriately, Jyoti. Since that disgraceful admission of the sheer overweightness of our fat feline, Jyoti has been put on a strict diet. (Not a diet of Jyoti-branded foods, for […]


Kim Bear

We caught Kim snuggled up to the teddy bear we keep on our bed. This is ultra cute. See more of the kitties here.


Tina’s Davis Double Ride Report

Like my Mulholland ride report, Tina has procrastinated writing up her experiences during her recent Davis Double Century. However, it’s finally done and I’ve posted it below the fold.Tina’s Excellent Davis Adventure It has been 3 1/2 weeks since the epic event and I have finally conquered the procrastination god! She only required a small


Belated Mulholland Double Ride Report

It’s been almost two months since my Mulholland adventure. I wrote a report a little bit afterward, and have been sitting on it since then. I looked it over and here it is in all its glory, after the fold. Mulholland Double: Epic Fail After my triple crown quest of 2005, I had decided to

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