Tina and I spent a wonderful 10 days vacationing on Maui at the beginning of December 2003. Even though Tina was there to attend a conference, we still managed to do plenty of snorkeling and bike riding.
The snorkeling was excellent. We went to Ahihi, Makena Landing and Kapalua, and saw many fish, and sea turtles. Tina even managed to see three turtles
together, and got some excellent pictures of them.
We rented bicycles at West Maui Bicycles. We both got Giants, which were okay bikes, but Tina had bad luck with hers. They didn’t really check out the bike thoroughly before they gave them to us, because her front brake pad was rubbing her
tire, instead of the rim, and caused two blowouts as the pad eventually wore through the tire. Also, there were thorns from agave trees on the road, which caused two more flats for Tina and one for me.